My Jackleg Acquisitions

Late last year I wrote a column on how, exactly, I ended up as a fiction editor for Jackleg Press, and this year I’m enormously proud to celebrate the books coming out of that process. I love them all. These are extraordinary story collections. Please buy yourself a copy & ask your local & university library to buy copies for their collections. It’s been an honor to work with these writers and I’m so excited for what’s coming next.

A couple of quick words on what’s already out there & what’s coming soon:

  • Joachim Glage’s The Devil’s Library: Stories about books. Borgesian and delightful and labyrinthine. (Out now! Buy!)

  • Kathryn Kruse’s To Receive My Services You Must Be Dying and Alone: Stories about gig-work & death & estrangement. Beautiful and ingeniously constructed. (Out now! Buy!)

  • Gemini Wahhaj’s Katy Family: Stories about Bangladeshi immigrants and the Houston suburbs. This one is packed with life and humor and sharply observed family and class dynamics. (Available for pre-order! Please pre-order!)

  • Michael Chin’s This Year’s Ghost: Stories about the fantastical and the deep bonds we form just by being here, together, in this world. Truly, deeply, absorbingly strange and weird even if you don’t factor in the clown college. But there’s definitely a clown college. (Available for pre-order! Please pre-order!)

Watch soon for more titles! I’m super excited that we get to put out Chloe Clark’s latest collection & Mark Baumgartner’s debut collection. I’m a huge fan of both of these authors, and I am sure you’ll love their work.


February events!