Today's Index Card on Imitation Slippage
I tried and failed to draw a Ray Johnson snake from memory:
Which led me to think about failed Johnson bunnies and also U2’s Zooropa spaceman doodle that I copied and messed with until it became a dude buried at the bottom of a page:
Today's Drawing of the Lizard People's Inevitable Invasion of Earth
Today’s Post-It doodle of the lizard people’s inevitable invasion of earth:
And here are the lizard people in black and white:
Today's Best Drawing of a Seahorse Who Is Really Into Pavement
The all-ink/no-color version follows below.
New Events
Hi! I just added three new entries to the Events page — two in the very distant future and one coming up in just in a few weeks.
Today's Best Drawing of a Vampire Who Just Learned About Semiotics
Today's Best Index Card About a Vampire Who Just Learned About Semiotics and is super excited to share all it knows about Barthes with the rest of the coven.